We’re visiting SQUATS & RUNNING STITCHES today, where Summer is sharing her super fun Sleeping Bag Quilt featuring fabric from the Adventure is Calling collection designed by Dani Mogstad.

At first glance this looks like a normal quilt, but take another look and you’ll see that Summer added a zipper to make this the perfect little lightweight sleeping bag. Brilliant!

Each nature-themed print in this fabric line reflects the beauty and adventure of the outdoors with constellations, pine trees, tents, woodland animals and more. Hop on over to Summer’s BLOG for photos and details, and be sure to follow her on Instagram @squatsandrunningstitches for more fun project ideas and inspiration.

Adventure is Calling, by Dani Mogstad, is available now at your favorite local and online quilt shops. Pick up yours today and share your makes with us on Instagram using #adventureiscallingfabric, #rileyblakedesigns, #iloverileyblake, and tag us @rileyblakedesigns.