Time for another crochet feature with Chunky Thread! This time I wanted to show the versatility of Chunky Thread by making something a little larger scale. Cotton sport weight yarn is a great choice for garments, and since I like to wear short sleeved sweaters this time of year, I tried my hand at crocheting one.

I had been wishing for a good purple option in Chunky Thread – so I was delighted to see the beautiful Plum shade in the dreamy new colors that were recently added. It’s the perfect dusty violet color. Taffy and Chamomile were other great additions and they all coordinate beautifully.

It took me a while to choose what to make. I looked through my back issues of crochet magazines, and decided on a pattern from the summer 2023 issue of Crochet! Magazine called Sun-Kissed Top. I adapted it a little to suit my vintage-inspired style, but followed the pattern for the most part.
It took 6 skeins to make this top. If I had been adding sleeves, it probably would have used 8.
This color just seems so perfect for this time of year! I think because it reminds me of the purple asters which bloom in the fall, and have always been a favorite wildflower of mine. In the L. M. Montgomery books they are sometimes referred to as “farewell-summers” … what a pretty and appropriate name!

This was the first time I’ve made a sweater in the method of working sideways top to bottom instead of in the round. I like the vertical rib look that it created – and Chunky Thread was just great to work with, as it was nice and soft but also giving nice stitch definition.

Chamomile and Taffy were the perfect coordinating colors to make a removable floral brooch inspired by make-do-and-mend handcrafted brooches I’ve seen from the 1940s. This was my own addition, and I was really pleased with how it turned out! I can think of a lot of applications for a little flower corsage like this, so now I want to make more. Maybe I’ll even write down the pattern one of these days…

In the Pacific Northwest, the afternoons still get quite warm most days, but the evenings and morning are chilly this time of year. So if you need me, I’m over here enjoying my new season-transitional crochet sweater!
Happy fall crafting!
-Kristen from Verity Vintage Studio