Today’s stop on on our Camp Woodland Project Tour takes us to SQUATS & RUNNING STITCHES, where Summer is sharing a super fun Quillow Tutorial featuring fabric from the Camp Woodland collection by Natàlia Juan Abelló.

Summer created this eye catching version of the Ebb and Flow Quilt (pattern found HERE) which highlights all of the adorable prints in the Camp Woodland collection. Its fun to try and spot the little creatures that appear to be wandering through the woods.

In addition, Summer is sharing instructions on how to turn any throw size quilt into this adorable and functional pillow where the quilt actually folds up and is stuffed into the pillow form to be come a “quillow.” How fun! This would be a great option to take along on road trips or sleepovers at grandma’s house. Hop on over to Summer’s BLOG for photos and details, and be sure to follow her on Instagram @squats_and_runningstitches for more project ideas and inspiration.

Camp Woodland, designed by Natàlia Juan Abelló, is available now at your favorite local and online quilt shops. Pick up yours today and share your makes with us on Instagram using #campwoodlandfabric, #rileyblakedesigns, #iloverileyblake, and tag us @rileyblakedesigns.