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Collection Preview – Honeycomb Hill

It’s no wonder we look to honeybees for inspiration. They buzz about their work, filling an irreplaceable role that goes mostly unnoticed, and are truly amazing little creatures. I always try to include bee-friendly plants and flowers in my garden and for a long time I’ve dreamt of becoming a backyard beekeeper. Welcome to Honeycomb…

Upcycle Doilies with Chunky Thread

Time for another Chunky Thread feature! Doilies, with their infinite variety of intricate designs and pretty lace, have long been a favorite for crocheters to make, and most people are familiar with them as table decorations which also serve a protective purpose. But there are a lot of other ways to use them rather than…

Collection Preview – Fright Delight

Fright Delight was inspired by my love of costumes, holidays, treats and fun. What holiday includes all of those things? Halloween, of course. The main print, as well as the panel, are sure to bring back nostalgic feelings of simple childhood memories of dressing up and going around trick-or- treating with family and friends. There…