We’re visiting LITTLE LIZARD KING today where they are talking about the Astoria Blouse & Pinafore Pattern featuring fabric from the Christmas Memories collection by the RBD Designers.

Wow! This little holiday outfit is truly stunning! We love the holly green blouse contrasted against the bright, festive plaid. If you have time for some last minute sewing, you’re going to want to add this to your list! Hop on over to the Little Lizard King BLOG for photos and details, and be sure to follow them on Instagram @littlelizardking for more ideas and inspiration.

Christmas Memories is available now at your favorite local and online quilt shops. Pick up yours today and share your makes with us on Instagram using #christmasmemoriesfabric, #rileyblakedesigns, #iloverileyblake, and tag us @rileyblakedesigns.