We’re following along with the Woodland Wander Quilt Along and I just had to share the progress!

The Woodland Wander Quilt Along is hosted by THE CLOTH PARCEL on Instagram. You can see what other people are making by searching with #woodlandwanderquiltalong.

I am using Riley Blake Confetti Cottons in various neutral shades of white, beige, brown, gray and black with a splash of green here and there. I am loving the earthy palette – it will be so interesting to see how the finished quilt turns out!

Grab your pattern and some Riley Blake Designs Basics and get started on your very own Woodland Wander Quilt! Share your Riley Blake versions of this quilt on Instagram using #rileyblakedesigns #iloverileyblake #woodlandwanderquiltalong.
Happy Quilting!