Hello Friends
Can anyone else believe it is October! Every time I blink it feels like a month passes at the moment. Maybe it is something to do with the fact that busy teenagers means that days and weeks pass by in a flash of driving to school, part time jobs, friends and part time jobs. With summer around the corner in Australia there is a collective breathe out after a long and dreary year, I cant wait for life to slow down a bit.

A few weeks ago I took myself to my sewing room for some restorative time – truly I never feel more at piece than when I am at my machine. I was lucky to have received an amazing bundle of Fable, the latest collection by Jill Finley of Jillily Studio, and I couldn’t wait to get started!
Fable is the prettiest collection and I was immediatley drawn to the idea of making decor for a little girls room. Looking at the sweet animals and flowers I knew immediately that I wanted to make a cushion where I could play with fussy cutting. I immediately pulled out my apple pie cushion pattern and got to work.
See! Perfect! I especially love adding the little fussy cut button to the centre of these cushions, sometimes I put cute little doilies behind it too but I wanted to keep this little lady simple.

Once the cushion was finished I turned my attention to a sweet little matching dolly quilt. Even the simplest of rooms can be tied together beautifully with a few simple coordinating pieces. This is the perfect set for a little girl who is still fill of imagination and wonder.

The dolly quilt was so fun to make! I used it to test part of a new quilt pattern I am working on behind the scenes and had some much fun layering those sweet prints together. I even pulled some vintage Riley Blake bias trim from my stash and used that intead of binding. I have never done that before but definitely will again, the curved corners were a wonderful extra feature and I love that crochet trim.

How gorgeous does this look all together, such a lovely make and a successful sewing day overall. Often I have big quilt projects on the go so I cherish being able to finish something in a few hours.

Lets just take a moment to admire that pom pom trim – I am a sucker for it!

Are 2 cats – Superman and Lillypilly – love Hannah’s bedroom. They are both 13 years old and we respect their need to sleep through everything, including photo shoots. Lilly wasn’t moving and I had to respect that, with cats you often don’t get a choice anyway lol.

And with that, the photo shoot was over!

Thank you for letting me share today, I hope you have enjoyed looking at my makes as much as I enjoyed sewing and photographing them.
Happy sewing!
Sarah x
PS. One more photo as always. If you don’t have an etsy account you can purchase my apple pie cushion pattern right here.