We have another FREE PATTERN to share with you today, and we’re pretty sure you’ll agree this Polka Dot Paris Quilt is tres magnificique!

Isn’t this fabulous?! The quilt does an amazing job of showcasing the Postales fabric panel; part of the gorgeous Couturiere Parisienne collection designed by J. Wecker Frisch.

The lively Paris themed collection comes in vibrant shades of red, pink, blue, black and gray. You’ll find city maps, elegant text, sewing patterns, and of course….

…..Eiffel Towers! LOVE!

The Polka Dot Paris quilt uses the Postales Panel, the red Pointe Francais, black Patrons Texture (if you decide to add points along the border), cream Patron Texture, and black French. Don’t be fooled by those dots – the pattern comes with the circle template, and directions for quick and easy fusible applique.

The art in this collection is truly stunning! Notice all of the detail in the fabric panel. Wow!

Download the FREE PATTERN to get started on your very own Polka Dot Paris quilt!

Couturiere Parisienne, designed by J. Wecker Frisch, is available now at your favorite local and online quilt shops. Pick up yours today and share your makes with us on Instagram using #couturiereparisiennefabric, #rileyblakedesigns, #iloverileyblake, and tag us @rileyblakedesigns.
Happy Quilting!