It’s Week 5 of Patchwork & Poodles’ Harvest Star Quilt Along! We are so excited for this quilt along, which features the Modern Farmhouse fabric collection designed by Simple Simon & Co.

This week, we are making two more blocks. It feels like we’re on the home stretch, with more and more blocks finally coming together!

There are two versions of this quilt. One version uses cut yardage, while the other option is to use a fat quarter bundle. Elaine, from Patchwork & Poodles, is making her quilt with cut yardage. Today, she is sharing her 7th and 8th blocks. Beautiful!

I am using Fat Quarters to make my quilt. Here is block #7. Isn’t that green text print fun? I love how it contrasts with the floral center star.

Here is block #8. More low volume prints here give the block a softer feel. So sweet.

If you are just hearing about this, no worries! Click HERE for info on how to join in the fun! You can follow along on Instagram with #harveststarqal.

Modern Farmhouse, designed by Simple Simon & Co., is available now at your favorite local and online quilt shops. Pick up yours today and share your makes with us on Instagram using #modernfarmhousefabric, #rileyblakedesigns, #iloverileyblake, and tag us @rileyblakedesigns.
Happy Quilting!