Today we are super excited to introduce you to the Sugar Sisters!

Sugar Sisters Design is made up of 2 sisters, Lindsay van Uitert and Kelsey Facer They’re just two chicks who love art and fabric and combined the two to design fabric. Lindsay and Kelsey were born 13 years apart, and grew up in a very creative home. They have 2 other sisters and 1 brother as well as a mom who was always, always, always sewing and crafting, and a dad who can build anything. When Kelsey went to school for graphic design, it sparked their interest in designing fabric. They both grew up sewing, quilting, project-ing, crafting, scrapbooking, painting, drawing, etc. and have always loved being creative, so they feel like this industry is exactly where they belong.

Lindsay and Kelsey’s newest fabric collection, Cabin Fever, features a cozy array of flannel fabrics with a decidedly woodsy theme.

Lindsay and Kelsey created Blocks 1 and 2 of the Meet the Makers quilt using their Cabin Fever flannel. We don’t often see flannel used in piecework, and these beautiful blocks have us inspired! Follow the Sugar Sisters on Instagram @sugarsistersdesign for more beautiful photos, ideas, and inspiration!

To get to know Lindsay and Kelsey a little better, we gave them a list of words in alphabetical order to which they could give any reply that came to mind. Enjoy this fun and refreshing look at life from the Sugar Sisters’ unique perspective!
Autumn: Don’t you love New York in the fall? It makes me want to buy school supplies.
Blue: I’m a blue eyed girl…thanks Dad.
Can’t: I think I can, I think I can, I think I can…I seriously don’t know the word can’t.
Dobs: Dogs and I aren’t that great of friends.
Extra: Can I have extra ranch with that pizza?
Family: Truly my favorite thing.
Great: Nachos on the beach.
Hero: Who else but my mam.
If: If only I could have a cleaning fairy…
Jokes: Knock knock – who’s there? I don’t know any jokes.
Key: For some reason I always sing off key and I always lose my keys.
Lake: This summer I got to watch fireworks on the lake…it was the best!
Morning: “I’ll do that tomorrow”
Next: My next project will be started before I finish the last one.
Possibility: I love taking junk and turning it into something awesome!
Quilts: I love the colors, the stories, the people, the history, the hands, the family, the love.
Roller Coaster: The Cannibal at Lagoon about did me in…I must be old.
Sewing: Getting together with my sisters and mom and sewing until 3 in the morning with chips, salsa and coke.
Ticket: 2 tickets to Hawaii – stat.
Ugh: Taxes
Vacation: I can’t wait for Disneyland this Christmas with my family!
Window: Most days I can’t see through my car window…I should probably wash it.
X-Ray: X-Ray vision might not be the greatest idea.
Yarn: I love a cozy sweater in the fall.
Zoo: My house on a Wednesday night.

Autumn: My favorite season is definitely autumn. “Don’t you just love New York in the fall? It makes me want to buy school supplies.”
Blue: “I’m blue-da-ba-de-da-ba-daaaa…”
Can’t: “I can’t hear you, you’re trailing off…and did I hear a niner in there? Were you calling from a walkie talkie?”
Dogs: “Who let the dogs out?”
Extra: “You had an extra pair of gloves this whole time? Uh, yeah. We’re in the Rockies.”
Family: “Annabelle is my fathers daughter…Matt is my father’s son. We are an American family!”
Great: “I feel good…I feel great…I feel wonderful!”
Hero: My heroes have always been my awesome parents!
If: “If you fit into my pants I will kill myself.”
Jokes: Knock knock…who’s there? Chesterfield. Chesterfield who? Chesterfield my leg and I had to slap him.
Key: “I got a brand new pair of roller skates, you got a brand new key.”
Lake: “I’m a sailor! I sail! Out on the lake on a boat way far away from the dock, with the wind and the sky! Ahoy!”
Morning: Me=not a morning person. Give me all the late nights.
Next: “Another independent bookstore bites the dust…onto the next!”
Open: “It’s wide open…all you gotta do is just tap it in. Just taaaappp it in. Give it a little tappy. Tap tap taparoo!”
Possibility: “So you’re tellin’ me there’s a chance!”
Quilts: The best gift anyone could give or receive!
Rollercoaster: The best roller coaster I’ve ridden is X in Six Flags Magic Mountain. Ride it if you have the chance!
Sewing: One of the best ways to spend a girls night…sewing into the night!
Ticket: “I’ve got a golden ticket! I’ve got a golden twinkle in my eye!”
Ugh: Ugh….I’m running out of movie quotes.
Vacation: “I’m on vacation from my problems.”
Window: “She has no idea, but she thinks the window display is lovely.”
X-ray: Never had one! Except at the dreaded dentist…
Yarn: Remember those yarn hats everyone knitted with the looms? I bet I made 30 beanies.
Zoo: “We bought a zoo!”

Thank you Lindsay and Kelsey for allowing us to get to know you a little better. Cabin Fever is available now at your favorite local and online quilt shops so pick up yours today! Be sure to hop over to our
Riley Blake Designs Instagram feed to find out how you can win a FREE 1/2 Yard Bundle of Cabin Fever!
Thanks for stopping by!