Day 1 came and went in the blink of an eye! We want to share some booth details with you from our first day.
Front Display:

Our Front Display this year was designed to highlight our 10th Anniversary and a new collection, Sew Chatty, designed by Kelli Fannin. We even had little slices of cake filled with our classic RBD truffles! Take a look!

This quilt (above) is called Shoephoria by Kelli Fannin.

Pattern: Quilt Master by Kelli Fannin

The Creation Station by Sandra Workman

Next, Liberty Fabrics of Liberty of London. We are so excited to be partnered with this iconic brand and can’t wait to show you what is coming next from Liberty Fabrics!

BASICS! At RBD we love our basics and we couldn’t help but put a few of our quilts in the booth that showcase these gorgeous fabrics.

We love all of our licensed brands but we are especially excited to debut a new partnership with Mattel! We will be releasing a new Fisher Price, Barbie, and HotWheels collections in collaboration with this brand!

You know we wouldn’t leave you hanging without showing you what’s new from Lori Holt of Bee in my Bonnet! Her booth area is full of new things!

Let’s start with the Sew Along. This is Lori’s Vintage Housewife quilt!

The sew along begins January 27th, 2020 and will be hosted on Lori’s Blog. You will download her cutting guide from the website and follow each week to make the quilt- there is no individual pattern for sale. If you want to get a quilt kit you can! Some shops already have them available for pre-order now- just Google search to find!

Another new, exciting thing from Lori is her new Home Decor fabrics. They are almost like a lightweight canvas. Thicker than cotton but lighter than canvas. Check out the new gorgeous designs!

That’s it for our Day 1 recap but keep an eye out for our next post where we will link projects and patterns from our lovely Designer’s booths!