Spooky Schoolhouse by Melissa Mortenson of @polkadotchair is officially in quilt shops! We have been so excited for this collection release and we are even more excited about the fabulous Spooky Shelfie Quilt that Melissa designed to accompany this collection.

The Spooky Shelfie Quilt Pattern is a creative bookshelf sampler Halloween quilt pattern that features a variety of “spooky” quilt blocks! This quilt is made up of various themed blocks from potions to pumpkins to a witches cauldron!

This quilt is designed to work with Fat Quarters. Click on the buttons below to shop your new favorite Halloween quilt pattern!

We are thrilled to be offering this quilt in a spooktacular Riley Blake Designs boxed Quilt Kit! Click below to preorder a kit today! If you are a shop owner offering this item please email us at blog@rileyblakedesigns.com to be added to this list.
We hope you love Spooky Schoolhouse and this Spooky Shelfie quilt as much as we do!