Today’s stop on our Strawberry Honey Project Tour takes us to BEE SEW INSPIRED, where Jennifer is sharing the most adorable little Bear Doll and Strawberry Patch Mini Quilt featuring fabric from the Strawberry Honey collection designed by Gracie Larson.

We are all heart eyes for this sweet stuffed Bear and those smiling honey bees! Adorable!

Jennifer gave her bear a matching Strawberry Patch Mini Quilt to keep with her as she hibernates through the winter. So fun! Hop on over to Jennifer’s BLOG for photos and details, and be sure to follow her on Instagram @beesewinspired for an endless supply of project ideas and inspiration.

Strawberry Honey, designed by Gracey Larson, is available now at your favorite local and online quilt shops! Pick up your bundle and share your makes with us on Instagram using #strawberryhoneyfabric, #rileyblakedesigns, #iloverileyblake, and tag us @rileyblakedesigns.