I can not believe it is October already. Do you know what that means? The season to crave something warm and cozy is just around the corner! Also, if you are thinking about making something as Christmas a gift, now is the perfect time to come up with your game plan. When I saw these gorgeous fabrics, Primrose Garden, by Carina Gardner, I thought it would make a perfect scarf accompanied by fuzzy fabric.

You will need 1 yard of Primrose Garden Aqua Primrose Main 1 yard of 60″ wide fuzzy fabric Matching fabric. Makes three infinite scarfs. Please read this carefully before you start cutting the fabrics!
My tutorial might be a little different than other infinite scarf tutorials you have seen before. Because I cut my 100% cotton fabric diagonally instead of straight across side to side. Basically, the technique is just like making bias tape, except the strips are wider. I used 1 yard of fabric, and I was able to cut out 2 pieces of 10 1/2″ wide strips and one 8 1/2″ wide strip. You only need one strip to make this infinite scarf(though, I made three; one for me, one to giveaway, and one for my little girl). There are two reasons why I decided to do this. One, it drapes nicely when it is cut in bias. Two, it will be stretchable with the fuzzy fabric which is also stretchable. The fuzzy fabric that I found at the fabric store was 60″ wide and stretchable. I cut this fabric straight across side to side. 10 1/2″ wide. {How to} 1. Trim the top and bottom of the fabric. Also cut off the salvage.

2. Fold the fabric in to a triangle. Cut off the excess and cut the triangle in half.

3. Lay the two triangles as shown in the picture and sew the bottom.

4. Open and press the seam with an iron.

5. Bring both tips to the opposite side and fold the fabric to create a square.

6. Fold the square in half and cut 2 pieces of 10 1/2″ wide strips and one 8 1/2″strip(Make sure that you are folding and cutting in the right direction!).

7. Take one 10 1/2″ strip and bring the diagonal end seams together to sew. Open the seam and press with an iron. Now, you have a large loop.

8. Cut 10 1/2″ wide strip from fuzzy fabric. Remember, you can cut this fabric straight across one side seam to the other side seam. Using 1/2″ seam sew the side seams together to create a large loop.

9. Right sides together, pin Primrose fabric and fuzzy fabric together on one side of the loop. Sew with 1/2″ seam. Turn the fabric inside out. Press the seam with an iron.

10. To finish up the other side, fold the seam of primrose fabric with 1/2″ seam and press with an iron. Pin the folded seam of the primrose fabric to the fuzzy fabric. Fold 1/2″ of the seam of fuzzy fabric as you are pinning the primrose fabric. Sew.

You are done!

I know this quick and fun warm & cozy will make a great gift for the up coming season. When you are cutting the diagonal strips you can even cut 2 pieces of 10″ wide strips and one 9 1/2″ wide strip to be little more even.

Usually, I am not much of a yellow person, but I just LOVE this Aqua Primrose fabric!

And guess what? I mentioned that I made three scarfs right? One for me, one for my little girl… and one for you! That’s right, I am giving away one scarf. Please head over to my blog to get more information if you are interested. Thank you for having me here today, I hope you enjoyed my tutorial! I enjoy sharing my sewing, quilting, refashioning and a little bit about my life on my blog: Tea Rose Home. If my family is the cup cake, everything else I do is like the pretty sprinkles on top. I love it all and I believe life is what we create everyday.