It’s Julia from Bayhill Studio, back with another fun and fast project for you! It may be March, but Halloween fabric is arriving in stores, and I am thrilled to get an early bite at this deliciously cute Celebrate with Hershey fabric collection!

Of course, when sewing for Halloween, one of the first things on the list are must have Trick or Treat totes. I knew I needed to make some totes, but with older kids, I know that the size of a trick or treat bag matters, so this trick or treat bag is generously sized for tweens and teens.

I started with the FABulous Celebrate with Hershey fabric panel. The panel measures 36″ x width of fabric. I used two square prints and one strip of the black spiderweb accent fabric for each tote bag. The artwork on these prints is so fun, and using two of them means that you can flip the bag around to show off whichever print fits your vibe!

These totes are a FAST make, and are easily customizable. I used fusible fleece for extra structure, however you can leave out the fusible fleece, or switch it for a lighter weight interfacing.

You can add a pom pom or other trim like I did here.

Or you can leave out the trim entirely, embellish it with ribbon, add a patch…it’s all up to you!
If you would like to sew along with me, I created a video tutorial showing exactly how I made the pom pom version of this bag. Be sure to click through to subscribe to my channel for more quilty/crafty content!
For cutting instructions and the written step-by-step tutorial, hop on over to my BAYHILL STUDIO BLOG for more photos and all of the details.

The officially licensed Celebrate With Hershey collection can be found at your favorite local and online quilt shops!

For more project ideas and inspiration, follow me on INSTAGRAM and check out my BLOG and YouTube Channel. Happy Sewing!