The Riley Blake Designs Meet the Makers Sew Along continues today with Block #5! In this block we will be making several flying geese blocks and assembling them to create this beautiful Alternating Block.
The stunning Meet the Makers quilt is sold as a kit in local and online quilt shops. Each week, we are featuring one block from the quilt, including a VIDEO TUTORIAL that will walk you through the steps to create each block. In this VIDEO, Cindy walks us through the steps to assemble this beautiful Alternating Star block.
At the end of the video, you will see the fabric requirements to make one block.
Take a look at these beautiful blocks created by some of our talented Riley Blake designers…

Road Trip by Kelly Panacci

Calico Crow by Lauren Nash

Sunnyside Ave by Amy Smart

Paperdoll by J Wecker Frisch

Vintage Adventure by Beverly McCullough
Share your Meet the Makers quilt blocks with us on Instagram using #rileyblakedesigns, #meetthemakers, #meetthemakersquilt, and #RBDmaker.
Happy Quilting!