Today we are excited to introduce you to Riley Blake Designer, Gerri Robinson, owner of Planted Seed Designs!

Let’s let Gerri tall us a little bit about herself:
I started Planted Seed Designs in 2005 after a career in sales and marketing. I had been quilting for 7 years when I decided I wanted to take the next step and begin creating my own designs.
Planted Seed Designs comes from that part of me that loves a classic, traditional look in fabrics and quilts. I try to capture that classic feel in my fabric designs by updating reproduction prints in colors and scales that work in today’s home décor. My quilt designs lean toward the classic, too, with an emphasis on stars and pinwheels, my two favorite block elements.

Although I spend most of my time designing for Planted Seed Designs, I also enjoy designing outdoor spaces and garden beds and—unlike most people—finding ways to take the indoors out.
If I’m not in the studio or in the garden, you might find me on a road trip with my husband, Eric, and our dog, Riley, heading off to visit one of our sons: Andrew and Josh in Austin or Michael in Indianapolis.

Gerri’s newest fabric collection, Majestic, features a soft, elegant color palette of pinks, grays and blues, paired with a traditional array of floral and geometric prints.

Majestic is available now from your favorite local and online quilt shops.

Be sure to follow Gerri on Instagram @plantedseeddesigns for beautiful photos, project ideas, and inspiration!

Gerri has a second collection, Gem Stones, scheduled to debut under her brand new label, PSD2. You can follow PSD2 on Instagram @plantedseeddesigns2. PSD2 will feature collections with a more modern aesthetic than you see with her Planted Seed Designs label.

Gem Stones is a brilliant selection of digitally printed fabrics featuring an ombre design, where one color fades seamlessly into another from selvage to selvage.

Gem Stones is expected to arrive in stores in April, so pre-order yours today to get your hands on these gorgeous designs!

In order to get to know Gerri a little better, we gave her a list of words in alphabetical order to which she could give any reply that came to mind. Enjoy this fun and refreshing look at life from Gerri’s unique perspective!
- Q. What is something that relaxes you when you are stressed? A. A deep tissue “sports” massage.
- Q. What one thing (if you can pick one thing) has been a game changer in your business? A. Asking and getting help.
Annoying: When technology doesn’t work
Begin: Just begin!!! Don’t overthink it – just begin!
Can’t: Can’t say no to chocolate!
Don’t: Don’t give up even when it gets tough — its just preparing you for the next big thing! And who would want to miss out on that?!
Excited: That Eric and I are going to be grandparents in May!
Family: My world!
Grand: I’m going to be a GRANDMA to a sweet baby girl in May! I so can’t wait!
Hero: I can’t really say I have one because I believe we are all heroes to someone in our life.
If: If only…
Jokes: Did you hear about the guy who walked into the grocery store? Neither did I! My nephew cracked up “crying” when I told him this one — he was 10 at the time.
Knowledge: Limitless! You can never have enough!
Lost: I love my long weekend holidays — I totally get lost in the lack of structure and the ability to ebb and flow at will.
Monday: UGH!!!
New York: Christopher Thompson! I’m coming to see you this year (I promise)!
Open: Someday, Eric and I hope to experience the US Open!
Photos: Our current story-tellers.
Quilts: I love designing and making quilts! It’s what I do!
Rain: It rains too much in Columbus!
Sewing: I wish I paid better attention to my mom when she was “trying” to teach me how to sew. I just wasn’t interested and couldn’t get outside fast enough to play!
Tricky: What some quilters think my designs are until they read the pattern and realize how simple the construction is.
Unique: What I hear from my customers about my quilt designs.
Vacation: Need to plan more!
Window: My view to the outside when I’m “stuck” inside working!
X-Ray: I better schedule my dental appointment; thanks for the reminder!
Yes: Sometimes you should say no.
Zodiac: Capricorn

What fun answers! Thank you, Gerri, for allowing us to get to know you! Majestic is available now in stores, and Gem Stones 2 is expected to arrive in stores next month.

….Hop on over to our Riley Blake Designs Instagram feed to find out how you can win this FREE gorgeous fat quarter bundle of Gem Stones…

…and a beautiful 10″ stacker of Majestic!
Happy Sewing!