Hello, friends! It’s Julia from Bayhill Studio. Today I have a fun little project to share with you featuring fabric from the seriously cool Vintage Caterpillar® collection!

I absolutely LOVE the retro vibe of this fabric line, and I knew the stripe would look amazing made up into a Quilted Hydro Holder.

The Quilted Hydro Holder is a fun cylindrical tote designed to hold a standard Hydro Flask. It is a FREE tutorial on my blog. It is a quick and unique project, making it perfect for gift giving.

To make my Quilted Hydro Holder, I used the Orange Stripe for the outer fabric, and the Brown Text for the lining and handles.

I did choose to make a few changes, straying from the original tutorial just a little bit. I’ll share those changes with you so you are aware of options available to you when making this project.
The first change I made was to quilt the outer fabric and lining together. In the original tutorial, the lining section is made separately. Either option works great, but be aware that quilting both the outer fabric and lining together leads another necessary change I’ll share with you.

Quilting the top and bottom layer together means you will have exposed raw edges at the top, side, and bottom seams. To hide those edges, I used a 1/4″ Double Fold Bias Tape. The small size can be tricky to work with, and you could go up to a 1/2″ bias tape, but I wanted the bias tape to be minimal, creating as little extra bulk as possible.

I started by adding the bias tape to the top edge. To do this, align a raw edge of the bias tape to the top raw edge of the Hydro Holder. Stitch just inside the first fold.

Next, flip the double fold bias tape over so you are looking at the back. Pin or clip it in place so the second folded edge extends just past the stitching from the previous step.

Now turn the seam over and top stitch, catching the back fold in the stitching.

Repeat the same steps for the side and bottom seams, however for these seams, you’ll want to trim the seam allowance down to about 1/8″ before adding the bias tape.

Here you can see how the bias tape encases the raw edges nicely, both on the top edge, and on the inside, giving it a clean, finished look.

Another change I made was to skip the swivel hooks entirely. They are a nice option, but not necessary at all.
This is one of those projects that you end up making again and again because it’s so simple and such a unique gift for all ages. The fabric makes this HydroFlask holder customized to the recipient, as you can see with the choice of this awesome Vintage Caterpillar® fabric.

Vintage Caterpillar® is available now at local and online quilt shops so pick up yours today! Be sure to follow me on Instagram and subscribe to my YouTube Channel for more project ideas and inspiration. Have a blessed day!