We are so excited to have Lori Holt of A Bee in my Bonnet’s first class on the Imagine with Riley Blake tutorial channel. It’s called Sew By Row, and it’s a pieced quilt using some of Lori’s favorite piecing techniques.

We have a couple of corrections for the Sew By Row cutting instructions. We have updated the PDF download of the cutting instructions on the www.imaginewithrileyblake.com site, but we wanted to call them out here, too.
* Brown Cross Stitch Fabric – Sewing Machine Row Sashing: CORRECTION – Cut 2 – 1 1/2” X 14 1/2” FOR ENDS
*108” Blue Plaid Fabric for Inner Border and Blocks – CORRECTION – Cut 2 – 1 1/2” x 60” for Top and Bottom of stop border (Borders on #3 on Page 13)
*On Spools cutting guide – Under ”Background (Brown Cross Stitch) A – Cut 2 – 1” x 3 1/2”
*On Iron cutting guide – on picture of iron – the ”I” was omitted from the piece directly under the handle of the iron
Thanks to everyone who has purchased the class. When you download the cutting guide, all of these corrections have been made.