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Dorothy’s Journey Roundup!

Dorothy’s Journey fabric has hit the world of Instagram and we are absolutely thrilled to see what everyone is making! We have rounded up just a few of the fabulous projects floating around to get you inspired. You can find more or add your own using #dorothysjourneyfabric #rileyblakedesigns. Here we go! Who wouldn’t love an…

It’s National Parks Week!

It’s NATIONAL PARKS WEEK and we are celebrating with a BIG announcement! Beginning in July and continuing through the first quarter of 2020, we will be releasing our National Parks fabric collection by Anderson Design Group! The collection features a series of breathtaking National Parks themed fabric panels with coordinating prints. The artwork is absolutely…

Let Them Be Little by Simple Simon & Co.

We are super excited to introduce to you the Let Them Be Little fabric collection, designed by the lovely ladies at Simple Simon & Co., which arrives in stores this month! Let Them Be Little features three fun colorways in Pink, Blue and Black. The combination of perfectly saturated primary colors and a bit of…

Calico Crow by Lauren Nash

In the heat of July, it’s hard to believe that fall is just around the corner! Calico Crow is the newest fabric collection designed by the lovely and talented Lauren Nash. Loaded with whimsy, vintage appeal, and fall colors, Calico Crow will keep you warm and put a smile on your face as the nights…

Express Yourself Quilt Panels

Express Yourself quilt panels are pre-printed fabric panels which feature a blank strip that is ready to customize. Easy to make, and perfect for gift giving, these quilt panels will quickly become cherished keepsakes.  Join Cindy Cloward and Holly Draney as they show the endless possibilities to personalize a quilt with Express Yourself Quilt panels….


Dodge fabric is here and it is totally awesome! The digitally printed fabric features classic cars in vivid detail. Take a stroll down memory lane with the Dodge Charger, Challenger, Super Bee, and Dart! This fun throw size quilt was made with the Dodge Pillow Panel. We simply cut the panel into four pieces, added…

Once Upon a Rhyme Soft Book Correction

Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall, Humpty Dumpty had a great fall. Just like our nursery rhyme friend, we had an accident in the first version of the Once Upon a Rhyme panel instructions. Unlike Humpty Dumpty, we at Riley Blake Designs were able to correctly put the soft book together again. And like another…